Elias Hansen

One Last Chance at Being Alive, 2020 Glass, wood and neon, 65 x 26 x 20 inches (165.1 x 66 x 50.8 cm)

I Miss You So Much but You’re Dead and I Aint and I Promised You I’d Go On Living, 2020, Glass, steel, hardware, LED bulbs, 90 x 84 x 84 inches (228.6 x 213.4 x 213.4 cm)

A Place For Death To Rest, 2019, Glass, cork and wood, 22 x 25 x 9 inches (55.9 x 63.5 x 22.9 cm)

Go Towards the Light, January 26 – March 23, 2019

Go Towards the Light, January 26 – March 23, 2019

Rainbows From Atoms, with Chris Duncan, 2019, New York, NY

It seems a lot crazier now than it did then, but I’m really glad we chose love, 2018, Blue Mountain School, London, UK

Glen Baldridge & Elias Hansen, 2017, East Hampton, NY

It Ain’t Easy Being Lost When You Ain’t Know Where You’re Supposed to Be, 2017, Glass, wood, wire, CFL bulbs, hardware, 15 x 21 x 4.5 inches

Glen Baldridge & Elias Hansen, 2017, East Hampton, NY

Trying to Get My Chores Done While Lost in the Soupy Pain of Losing a Lover, 2017,
Electricity, light, glass, vinyl, water pump, found objects, 63 x 124 x 134 inches; 160 x 315 x 340 cm.

Not Right Now, 2017, Team Bungalow, Los Angeles, CA

This Road Leads Home, 2017, Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto, ON

Not Right Now, 2017, Anat Ebgi Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Yokohama Triennial, 2014, Yokohama, Japan

Oh Brother with Oscar Tuazon, 2014, Maccarone, New York, NY

Oh Brother with Oscar Tuazon, 2014, Maccarone, New York, NY

Oh Brother with Oscar Tuazon and Will Boone, 2014, Maccarone, New York, NY

I wouldn’t worry about it, 2012 CFL bulbs, glass, HDPE bucket, LED bulb, steel, vinyl, water, water pump, wood 70 x 42 x 53 inches

Tone Poem, 2013, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY

Should Be Fine, 2012, Maccarone, New York, NY