On April 26th Bryan Graf drove from Portland, Maine to East Hampton, NY and hung one finished photograph in the gallery. From now until May 24th he is at the Further On Artist In Residency and will add new work to the show daily. Wavelengths is an accumulative exhibition of Graf’s multiple approaches to photography that includes regimented daily seascapes made at high and low tide, nightly records of the moon cycle and other photo-based works that are more sensorial responses and  perceptual translations of the landscape. The show functions like a job, with set hours for certain work and other times that allow for play, for clock watching, and experimentation. The resulting exhibition is a site-responsive, local, and homegrown reflection of his relationship to the area, the residency, and the gallery space.

April 26, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

April 30, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

April 30, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 4, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 4, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 4, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 6, 2021, Egypt Beach, East Hampton, NY

May 7, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 8, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 8, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 8, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 9, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 9, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 9, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 10, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 10, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 10, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 11, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 10, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 14, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 14, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 14, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 15, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 15, 2021, Further On Artist Residency, Amagansett, NY

May 16, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

May 16, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

Bryan Graf
Memorial, 2021
Ink jet print, Edition 1 of 5
20 x 24 inches (50.8 x 61 cm)

Alternate view: Memorial, 2021

Detail: Memorial, 2021

Installation view: Memorial, 2021

Bryan Graf
Self Portrait (North Carribean Time Travel), 2021
inkjet print
20 x 16 inches (50.8 x 40.6 cm)

Alternate view: Self Portrait (North Carribean Time Travel), 2021

Detail: Self Portrait (North Carribean Time Travel), 2021

April 30, 2021, 79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY

Bryan Graf
Jungle Waves, 2021
Inkjet print mounted to aluminum, a transparency print face mounted to plexiglass, white maple frame
52 x 42 x 2.75 inches (132.08 106.68 x 6.9 cm)

Detail: Jungle Waves, 2021

Installation view: Jungle Waves, 2021

Bryan Graf
Egypt Beach, Sand & Salt, 2021
Unique black and white photogram
42.5 x 126 inches, 107.95 x 427.99 cm

Detail: Egypt Beach, Sand & Salt, 2021

Installation view: Egypt Beach, Sand & Salt, 2021


Bryan Graf
Indian Wells Sunset Triptych, 2021
Unique black and white projector prints
42.5 x 204 inches (108 x 518.2 cm)

Detail (Left Panel): Indian Wells Sunset Triptych, 2021

Detail Center Panel): Indian Wells Sunset Triptych, 2021

Detail (Right Panel): Indian Wells Sunset Triptych, 2021Bryan Graf

RERUN: HI LO (in Stereo), 2021
Inkjet print, ed of 5+2AP
8 x 10 inches

Alternate view: RERUN: HI LO (in Stereo), 2021

Installation view: RERUN: HI LO (in Stereo), 2021