Old Habits, 2013, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY


2017, Ernesto Burgos & Chris Duncan, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY


2017, Ernesto Burgos & Chris Duncan, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY


Ernesto Burgos, Scramble, 2017, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 24.5 x 20 x 30 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Scramble, 2017, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 24.5 x 20 x 30 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Scramble, 2017, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 24.5 x 20 x 30 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Untitled, 2016, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 24 x 22 x 24 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Untitled, 2016, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 24 x 22 x 24 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Futz, 2017, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 28 x 20 x 24 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Futz, 2017, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, 28 x 20 x 24 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Answering That Question Over and Over in the Course of Long Days and Longer Nights, 2014, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, wood glue, paper, coffee, diet Pepsi, 45 x 32 x 21 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Answering That Question Over and Over in the Course of Long Days and Longer Nights, 2014, Cardboard, fiberglass, resin, charcoal, spray paint, oil stick, wood glue, paper, coffee, diet Pepsi, 45 x 32 x 21 inches


Ernesto Burgos, Cinder, 2015, Fiberglass, resin, acrylic, enamel, charcoal, oil and cardboard, 36 x 24 x 20 inches